Acne Treatment With Aloe Vera Gel and Tea Tree Oil

Acne is the most common skin issue that irritates mostly teenage girls. The girls experiment a number of cosmetic treatments for getting rid of acne but no one is proved reliable. If you also in the same trouble, read on to find out the most effective homemade acne treatment that is too easy. This natural treatment involves the natural ingredients which combine together to protect, soothe and heal your skin.

What you need?

For preparing the homemade acne treatment mask, you will need three ounces aloe Vera gel, one vitamin E capsule and almost twenty drops tea tree oil. Aloe Vera gel is very popular due to its wonderful effects for skin and hair. It is easily available at the pharmacy or local health shops. However if you can’t find, you can extract fresh aloe-Vera gel from aloe leaf that is a very simple process. The gel presents in the mid of aloe leaf, you can scoop it out by cutting the leaf in half.

Acne Treatment With Aloe Vera Gel and Tea Tree Oil