Basically Shampoos are designed to cleanse your hair and scalp and at the same time they help the texture and the other hair issues too, they can work as hair cosmetic or hair enhancement product too if you pick the right one for your hair and according to the right need of your hair.
There are some tips to pick and use shampoo in the factor of your own hair, and the most important one is picking the right one for your type. Every company makes products for different types, like for oily hair, dried hair, damaged hair and thin hair and many more, so pick one that is made and designed for you can pick the right one according to your demands , so pick one that has helpful ingredients.
Never forget reading the label for ingredients and keep an eye for active ingredients for your own hair type, like vitamins, minerals, herbs or oils and see if they have something that allergic for you, and after all these cares if you still get any kind of harmful impacts or effects then stop using that product and change the company immediately. Shampoo And Your Hair