Manish Malhotra has millions of fans in Asia but it looks like the beauty queen of Bollywood Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is the biggest fan who loves to wear his stunning dresses whenever she appears in public to attend any kind of red carpet of movie or awards ceremony.
The former Miss World wore the stunning blue and green Manish Malhotra anarkali dress earlier this year. Meanwhile, the same dress is wore by Genelia D’Souza who recently hit the premiere of much-awaited Dabangg 2. She was also joined by her husband.
There are Kareena Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra and Suzanne Roshan who have already worn dresses of top Indian fashion designer Malhotra. There is no any red carpet, movie premiere or another festival where you can not see the dazzling dress which is designed by Manish Malhotra.
Aishwarya Rai Or Genelia D’Souza In Manish Malhotra | Beauty Tips